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More Vang Cookbook

Thank you for coming to share your recipe!

Cooking and baking is good for the soul. COVID-19 has helped many of us find our way back into the kitchen, and we know we have some great cooks in our community. 

You name it, we want to hear about it: main dishes, sides, apps, soups, desserts, cocktails, etc. If you have more than one - send it over. The more the merrier! 

This form will collect all the details. Please be sure to include a photo!

Please be sure to complete your submission at one time.  The survey will not save submissions mid-way through the process. 

You are here because you are part of our More Vang community. How did you find yourself here? 

Tell us more about working at More Vang. How long have you been here? What is the most interesting part of working here?

First thank you! We wouldn't be here without you. Please share some context about your history with us. What prompts you to pick up the phone and call us? Is there someone on our team who always seems to save the day? 

If you're not an employee or client of ours, then tell us more about your relationship with us. How did you first learn about More Vang? Who do you know or work with on our team?

When the cookbook is complete we will get one to you. Please share your address: street address, city, state, zip 

Please select one from the drop down menu.

Where does this recipe come from? Is this your own creation or did someone teach you how to make it? Tell us when you make it and who you make it for. 

A guesstimation is fine! 

How difficult is your dish to prepare? Please choose one from the list below.

More Vang Cookbook

How long does this dish take? Please tell us the prep time plus the total time (prep+cooking time).

Please list out all ingredients needed for your recipe. Don't for get quantities and measurement sizes. 

Be as detailed as you can! List out the instructions on how to prepare your dish. Remember we have cooks at all levels: beginners, intermediate, advanced. Please breakdown processes as simply as possible. Lists or small paragraphs will work great. 

For many of us our favorite dishes show up regularly at events or parties. If you have a photo of your dish in action we'd love to see it. Also, maybe your dish comes from a long family tradition. If you would like to share a photo of the person behind the recipe, again, we would love to see it.